Sunday, September 16, 2018

SynthScaper - Wide and deep sound with the single preset

With the SynthScaper app it's very easy to make new scene with wide and deep sound using just one of oscillator presets from the built-in library that you liked. It's enough to change it a little to use in all three oscillators to get a more complex sound.

SynthScaper - Soundscapes synthesizer specially designed for creating and experiments with ambient soundscapes in wide range from noises to melodic instruments and everything in between.

In this example we will make the new scene with sound space which contains one oscillator in foreground and two oscillators in the background. For this scene we will use just one oscillator preset from built-in library.

1. Set "Empty scene"

The best way to start creating a new scene is to use the initial settings of all parameters to make the oscillator work in simple mode, and no any settings affect it. The special scene "Empty scene" sets the initial values of all parameters. In this scene oscillators "1" and "3" are muted, and for oscillator "2" is used only first layer with sine waveform. Filters, Envelopes and LFOs are not assigned (except for the base Envelope generator for the parameter "Level").

From the list of scenes select "Empty scene" to set all parameters to initial values.

You can click on any image to enlarge it

2. Set preset for oscillators

At first set the same preset for all three oscillators. For this example was used preset "Instruments - Sapphire Spice". For next experiments with sounds you can choice other preset for two background oscillators "1" and "3" and leave the same preset for foreground oscillator "2".

3. Adjust spatial mixer

In the spatial mixer area place the foreground oscillator "2" in the center and closer to the listener (closer to the bottom of area). Two background oscillators "1" and "3" place further from the listener and slightly move them to the center. You can experiment with placing these oscillators closer to the center or closer to the left and right side. Thus you can change wide of sound space.

At the right panel set parameter "Space" of spatial mixer in about to "65%" and parameter "Reflects" to "33%". Try to change these parameters after you completely make the scene from this example. These parameters set the depth of sound space and amount of reflections in this space.

Please note that all three oscillators have the same preset.

Don't forget unmute oscillators "1" and "3" that are muted in the "Empty scene".

4. Alter background oscillators

In these next steps you should alter the background oscillators "1" and "3" so them have a slightly differ sounding from foreground oscillator.

When you use the same preset for all oscillators the easy trick is to delay the start of voices for background oscillators and make it more smoothly.

This is done with the envelope generator which was assigned to the parameter "Level" for all layers. You need change Envelope for two background oscillators.

5. Change envelope for oscillators level

In the panel "Envelope parameters" for parameter "Level" make sure that you will change parameters of the envelope generator "1" which was assigned for the parameter "Level" by default. Also make sure that you change it for all layers of the oscillator "1" (label above parameter knob "O1La Level") and then oscillator "3" (label will be "O3La Level").

Set the parameter "Delay" to about "0.126s". This will cause that when you press a key any voice of oscillator "1" will starts not at once but with specified delay.

Next slightly increase parameter "Attack" up to "0.736s". This makes start of the voices more smoothly.

Set the same values of "Delay" and "Attack" for both oscillators "1" and "3". After this the voices of background oscillators will starting a bit later and more smoothly than voices of foreground oscillator "2".

6. Alter filters

Also if in the preset are defined another envelopes for filters it's best change them too. This will allow the base of sound to remain the same for all oscillators. For this example you need change the envelope for filter slot "1" for oscillators "1" and "3".

7. Change envelope for filters

In the panel "Envelope parameters" for parameter "Frequency" make sure that you will change parameters of the envelope generator "2" which was assigned for the parameter "Frequency" of the oscillator "1" and filter slot "1" (label above parameter knob "O1F1 Freq") and then oscillator "3" (label will be "O3F1 Freq").

Set the parameter "Delay" to about "0.126s". It should be the same value that in the envelope generator "1" which has assigned for the parameter "Level".

Next slightly increase parameter "Attack" up to "0.773s". This value may differ from the value in envelope generator "1".

Set the same values of "Delay" and "Attack" for both oscillators "1" and "3". After this the frequency of filter for background oscillators will start changing a bit later and more smoothly than for foreground oscillator "2".

8. Change filters parameters

It's also a good idea to make the sound of background oscillators more blurry. If them uses delay effect try to slightly increase time of delay for these oscillators.

Also you can try slightly change parameters of other effects such as "Chorus" or "Flanger". For background oscillators try to increase parameters "Intensity" or "Width". First, set the same values for both of these oscillators.

The basic idea in that the background oscillators have identical parameters.

9. Shift tone of background oscillators

The main change for background oscillators is to set them to one octave lower than foreground oscillator. Set the parameter "Octave" to "-1" for oscillators "1" and "3". After that, any pressed key will sent to these oscillators with an offset one octave lower.

And for more saturated sound a slightly tweak the offset in cents for oscillator "1" to "-3" and for oscillator "3" to "+4". When constructing the scene will be completed try to change these values to set a greater or lesser dissonance for background oscillators and listen to the result.

10. Split the keyboard

For more advanced use SynthScaper with MIDI keyboard you can split keyboard range on two. Some lower part for background oscillators and the rest for foreground.

For that for background oscillators "1" and "3" leave the "Begin range key" in "C0" and set the "End range key" for example in "B3". For foreground oscillator "2" set the "Begin range key" in "C4" and leave the "End range key" in "B9". So you can play notes for background sound on the lower part of keyboard and play foreground chords on the upper part.

You can use any divide key as it will be convenient for you.

The SynthScaper is just created for various experiments with sound. Feel free to try new ways of configure this app and you will be able to get a more interesting result than with any other synths.

See also:

[ SynthScaper - Natural chorus and Spatial effects (guide with pictures) ]

[ SynthScaper - How to assign "LFO" to parameters (guide with pictures) ]

[ SynthScaper - How to use "Effect" parameters (guide with pictures) ]

[ SynthScaper - Two-Voiced Drone (guide with pictures) ]

[ SynthScaper - Start with your own samples (guide with pictures) ]

[ SynthScaper - The Designer tool (short description) ]

[ SynthScaper - Arpeggiator / Sequencer overview (video demo) ]

[ SynthScaper - Automate pitch shifting (video demo) ]

[ SynthScaper - One shot sample demo (video demo) ]

[ SynthScaper modules connection diagram (big picture) ]

[ Complete description of SynthScaper 1.7 in one PDF file ]

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

SynthScaper ver. 1.6 has been released

SynthScaper - Soundscapes synthesizer for iPad and iPhone ver. 1.6 has been released.

Synthesizer specially designed for creating and experiments with ambient soundscapes in wide range from noises to melodic instruments and everything in between.

The sound engine of SynthScaper has its own unique sounding differ from any other software synths. You can construct outstanding melodic pads or atonal soundscapes from different kind of built-in or downloaded samples by using all power of multi-layered oscillators, chains of filters and effects, envelope generators and low frequency oscillators. Or you can create your own sound scenes combining oscillators presets from build-in library. Or just use predefined scenes.

>>> More details about SynthScaper

This update adds new modes that make it more convenient to use MIDI keyboards with SynthScaper.

Buttons of these modes are placed at the right of scene area on the top of main screen and set the modes of external MIDI keyboards.

"Mv: ..." - This button enables or disables use the velocity for MIDI keyboards. By default use of velocity for MIDI keyboards is define in the panel "Keyboard settings" - "Keyboards" and stores for each scene. This button can enable or disable to use velocity regardless scene parameters and its state do not be reset when scene change.

Mode "Mv:on" defines that the velocity is always enable. Mode "Mv:off" defines that the velocity is always disable. Mode "Mv:sce" defines that use of the velocity defined by the scene.

The green marker indicates that the use of velocity is enable by this button or in the scene (in the "Keyboard settings" - "Keyboards"). The red marker indicates that use of the velocity is disable.

"Mc: ..." - This button defines the curve of velocity for MIDI keyboards. There are two modes - "Linear" marked by letter "l" and "Soft" marked by letter "s". Next number indicates mode of expanding range of velocity. The number "0" indicates no expand. Try different modes with your keyboard for more convenient use of velocity.

"Mw: ..." - This button sets the mode of use the modulation wheel on MIDI keyboards. By default the modulation wheel assigned to change Effect 1. The Effect parameters have central position "0%" and two extreme positions "-100%" and "+100%". So the modulation wheel on the keyboard should have free move to remain in last position. But if your keyboard has modulation wheel that always returned to zero position when released you can use this button to set the mode when the modulation wheel will changing the parameters from "0%" to "+100%" or from "0%" to "-100%". Mode "Mw:c" defines that the modulation wheel will changing the parameters from center position "0%" to "+100%" or "-100%" (default mode).

Mode "Mw:+" sets changing from "0%" to "+100%". Mode "Mw:-" sets changing from "0%" to "-100%". You can use these modes with any type of the modulation wheel especially if you set the initial value of Effect other than central position.

Also in this update:

  • Sequencer evenly placing steps in oscillator voices.
  • Markers of actual values for Effects 1,2 on main screen.
  • Quick switch between oscillator control panels.
  • Added control for MIDI keyboard velocity mode.
  • Added control for MIDI keyboard velocity curve.
  • Added control for MIDI keyboard modulation wheel.
  • Modulation wheel on MIDI keyboard supports defaultly.
  • MIDI keyboard velocity is sent to each voice.
  • Changing font size in description panel.
  • Built-in description updated.
  • Several minor bugs were fixed.

Guides and demos:

[ SynthScaper - Wide and deep sound with the single preset (guide with pictures) ]

[ SynthScaper - Natural chorus and Spatial effects (guide with pictures) ]

[ SynthScaper - How to assign "LFO" to parameters (guide with pictures) ]

[ SynthScaper - How to use "Effect" parameters (guide with pictures) ]

[ SynthScaper - Two-Voiced Drone (guide with pictures) ]

[ SynthScaper - Start with your own samples (guide with pictures) ]

[ SynthScaper - The Designer tool (short description) ]

[ SynthScaper - Arpeggiator / Sequencer overview (video demo) ]

[ SynthScaper - Automate pitch shifting (video demo) ]

[ SynthScaper - One shot sample demo (video demo) ]

[ SynthScaper modules connection diagram (big picture) ]

[ Complete description of SynthScaper 1.6 in one PDF file ]