Thursday, April 22, 2021

Abstract LoFi IDM (BeatCutter app)

This track was created using the BeatCutter app (iOS). Eight samples from free libraries were used as source audio material. Samples are completely different both in content and in rhythm. The first sample sets the rhythm and, in addition to processing, passed directly to the output. The initial idea was generated using a random template, then individual parameters were tweaked. Mainly, the trigger parameters have been changed to reduce the triggers activity and make the sound less dense. The sound is recorded directly in the app without additional processing.

Free samples for this app can be taken here:

BeatCutter is an experimental multi-channel app for slicing and recombining sound based on rhythm. In the center of the app is a matrix of sample cells with smoothly reconfigurable recording, playback and control busses. This app is best for those who would like to experiment with long sound files or live instruments, creating chaotic constructions and patterns from sliced rhythm-driven samples.>

>>> More about BeatCutter (demo, reviews and guides)

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