Changing the fade in and fade out operations makes the sound smoother even with use bitmask and very short recording times. And the improvement of the algorithm for selecting a cell for recording makes sound constructions more varied.
A popup with the parameter title and its value allows you to better navigate the app at the beginning of learning and improve the visibility of the parameter value.
Double tap on any control opens a panel in which you can change the parameter value step by step or select one of the predefined values. While the panel is open, you can tap once on another control to switch the panel to it. When you start changing the value of any parameter with the control, the panel will close.
BeatCutter is an experimental multi-channel app for slicing and recombining sound based on rhythm. In the center of the app is a matrix of sample cells with smoothly reconfigurable recording, playback and control busses. This app is best for those who would like to experiment with long sound files or live instruments, creating chaotic constructions and patterns from sliced rhythm-driven samples.>
>>> More about BeatCutter (demo, reviews and guides)
All changes:
- The algorithm for applying fade in / out has been changed. The time is fixed at the start of recording, but the fades are applied during playback. This gives a smooth start / stop of playback even when using a bitmask.
- Added a panel for step by step change and quick setting of predefined parameter values.
- Added popup with a short description and value when changing parameters.
- The parameter "Skip cell playback" now applies after the first playback.
- Improved the algorithm for selecting cells for recording on the same trigger bus.
- Parameter values in beats are displayed in whole and fractional parts.
- Added option to app settings: "Display decimal part of beat as non simplify fraction".
- Added option to app settings: "Start audio unit instance in the initial state".
- More accurate display of the signal state with channel marks on the main screen.
- The current state of all parameters is saved separately for standalone and audio unit.
- Reduced the maximum time of fade in / out for more accurate setting of small values.
- Reduced the maximum time of the module "Echo" for more accurate setting of small values.
- Fixed an issue with the parameters "Step" for changing the playback speed and bitmask offset.
- Fixed problem with saving the current state after applying a preset.
- Several user interface improvements.
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